Piano + 1 2024
Wonderful Fall Concert of diverse music for diverse ensembles. A full house with an appreciative audience in Santa Monica. The concert is recorded and will be on NACUSA-LA YouTube
Wonderful Fall Concert of diverse music for diverse ensembles. A full house with an appreciative audience in Santa Monica. The concert is recorded and will be on NACUSA-LA YouTube
A wonderful live concert with the Lyris Quartet on Saturday, September 28th was a fitting culmination of the Homecoming Composition Competition for 2024! Great performances of beautiful and inspiring music based on themes from Artsakh.
Here is the application information/material and links for the exciting HOMECOMING Call for Scores.DRAFT 5 CALL for Composer Competition Link to Music For Unity Homecoming, application must be completed (takes about 2 minutes) Be Sure to Join NACUSA-LA, and hit APPLY to find the application for the Call-for-Scores with Read more…
NACUSA-LA presents our 2023 Piano + 1 Concert this Sunday, August 20th at 4:30pm. At the beautiful new Westside Conservatory. The full program is here: NACUSA PROGRAM – PIANO +1 8 20 23 – NACUSA PROGRAM – PIANO +1 09 24 23 v2
• NACUSA-LA is proud to announce: The Los Angeles Chapter of NACUSA resumes its weekly series of Conversations for the summer, beginning Monday, June 5 at 7-8 pm West Coast time, 10pm Eastern. zoom link: email nacusa.la (at) gmail.com Here is the schedule for the first month: June 5, Jeannie Read more…
Exciting program of new music featuring composers performing their own works live, plus sax, guitar, flute, vocals, and more guest soloists. World class musicians in a fun location. And a few holiday sing-alongs! Always a favorite. NACUSA LA December 4 2022 concert program revised PDF
Exciting, lyrical new music by brilliant living composers from a multitude of backgrounds. Themes from Nature to Video Games. Performed by world-class live performers and studio musicians who’ve played on favorite recordings. And it’s all FREE (Good AC too) Sunday September 18th 4:00PM Watchorn Hall University of Redlands Free parking Read more…
Exciting live in person concert of beautiful new quartets created by our great California composers! Brilliant quartet, good acoustics, meet the artists. This music was a hit in San Francisco, LA Premiere! Program SHORT-REVISEDJune26-2022NACUSA v03
Our first live in-person concert (since the pandemic) was a great success! Celliola played wonderfully at a large, beautiful private studio for a very appreciative audience. NACUSA July 10 2021 Concert Program-final
Join us for a pop-up concert of new music videos by the amazingly talented composers of NACUSA! The composers will all be there and good conversation will follow 🙂 These are always fun and showcase many styles and performers.